Event Program: 2024 PIR SpeedTour

Races & Other Events

Race Groups & Entry Lists

Articles, Partners & Local Attractions

In This Program

Letter From The CEO

A welcome letter from Tony Parella to all event participants, spectators and sponsors

Event Schedule

A full run-down of when all of the weekend’s events are taking place, including: practice / qualifying / race session times, car show times and much more!

Event Schedule

Friday, July 26
9:09am - 4:45pm
Optional Test Day
A - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5b
B - 5a, 7, 9, 11
C - 8
D - 6, 10, 12
9:10am - 9:35am
Group A
9:35am - 10:15am
Trans Am
Optional Test 1
10:15am - 10:40am
Group B
10:40am - 11:05am
Group C
11:05am - 11:30am
Group D
11:30am - 11:55am
Group A
11:55am - 12:20pm
Group B
12:20pm - 1:00pm
Trans Am
Optional Test 2
1:00pm - 1:55pm
Lunch Break
1:55pm - 2:20pm
Group C
2:20pm - 2:45pm
Group D
2:45pm - 3:15pm
Group A
3:15pm - 3:45pm
Group B
3:45pm - 4:15pm
Group C
4:15pm - 4:45pm
Group D
4:45pm - 5:15pm
Trans Am
5:15pm - 6:15pm
OPTIMA's Search for the Ultimate Street Car
Saturday, July 27
9:10am - 9:30am
Group 8
9:30am - 10:00am
Trans Am
10:00am - 5:00pm
Hagerty Cars & Caffeine Car Show
10:00am - 10:20am
Groups 6, 10, 12
10:20am - 10:40am
Group 2
10:40am - 11:00am
Groups 5a, 7, 9, 11, PSSA
11:00am - 11:20am
Groups 1, 3, 4, 5b
11:20am - 11:40am
Group 8
Qualifying 1
11:40am - 12:00pm
Groups 6, 10, 12
Qualifying 1
12:00pm - 12:20pm
Group 2
Qualifying 1
12:20pm - 12:40pm
Groups 5a, 7, 9, 11, PSSA
Qualifying 1
12:40pm - 1:40pm
Lunch Break
USCC Showcase/Hagerty Car Show Parade Laps
Strawberry shortcake for everyone in the paddock, courtesy of United Salad Company
1:40pm - 3:00pm
Trans Am
Feature Race 1
3:00pm - 3:20pm
Groups 1, 3, 4, 5b
Qualifying 1
3:20pm - 3:45pm
Group 8
Feature Race 1
3:45pm - 4:10pm
Groups 6, 10, 12
Feature Race 1
4:10pm - 4:35pm
Group 2
Feature Race 1
4:35pm - 5:00pm
Groups 5a, 7, 9, 11, PSSA
Feature Race 1
5:00pm - 5:25pm
Groups 1, 3, 4, 5b
Feature Race 1
5:25pm - 6:25pm
OPTIMA's Search for the Ultimate Street Car
Sunday, July 28
9:00am - 10:00am
OPTIMA's Search for the Ultimate Street Car
10:00am - 10:30am
Trans Am
10:30am - 10:50am
Group 1, 3, 4, 5b
Qualifying 2
10:50am - 11:10am
Group 2
Qualifying 2
11:10am - 11:30am
Groups 6, 10, 12
Qualifying 2
11:30am - 11:50am
Group 5a, 7, 9, 11, PSSA
Qualifying 2
11:50am - 12:10pm
Group 8
Qualifying 2
12:10pm - 1:00pm
Lunch Break
1:00pm - 2:20pm
Trans Am
Feature Race 2
2:20pm - 2:45pm
Group 1, 3, 4, 5b
Feature Race 2
2:45pm - 3:10pm
Group 2
Feature Race 2
3:10pm - 3:35pm
Toyo B-Sedan Challenge
Feature Race
3:35pm - 4:00pm
Groups 6, 10, 12
Feature Race 2
4:00pm - 4:25pm
Group 5a, 7, 9, 11, PSSA
Feature Race 2
4:25pm - 4:50pm
Group 8
Feature Race 2
4:50pm - 5:50pm
OPTIMA's Search for the Ultimate Street Car

Hagerty Cars & Caffeine Car Show

Car Show -Enjoy classic, vintage, exotic, and collectible cars of interest

Entries: Groups 1, 3, 4, 5b

Group 1 – Recognized small displacement production sports cars, sedans

Group 3 - Series-produced sports cars and sedans in production pre-1972

Group 4 - Limited produced sports cars, racing "specials" and GT cars built or in production prior to 1960

Group 5b - Lotus 23 and early sports racers 

Other cars may be accepted by invitation.

Entries: Group 2

Group 2 - Formula Ford (FF), Formula Junior (FJR), Club Ford, (CF) and Post Club Ford (PCF) as specified by the SVRA Formula Ford rule book

Other cars may be accepted by invitation.

Entries: Groups 6, 10, 12

Group 6 - Select big bore production sports cars and sedans through 1972

Group 10 - Select GT sports cars, Trans-Am; select cars raced between 1973 and 1999, Trans Am and production based contemporary cars as raced from 1999 to 5 years from today’s date or other cars as assigned

Group 12 - Early and late model Stock Cars, mostly 3.0L

Other cars may be accepted by invitation.

Entries: Groups 5a, 7, 9, 11, PSSA

Group 5a - Sports 2000

Group 7 - World Championship of Makes, on slicks; Under 2L sports cars as raced after 1972; Can-Am as raced after 1967; center-seat Can Am, SCCA ASR and BSR

Group 9 - All open wheel cars on slicks from 1970 to 2014 from the early F-2 cars to modern F-1 cars and everything in between

Group 11 - GTP/Group C, ALMS, PSCR, WSC, Grand Am, Prototypes, SCCA P1 and P2 as raced from 1981

PSSA - A new prototype race series that hosts a variety of Radical, Ligier, Revolution and Wolf prototype race cars. 

Other cars may be accepted by invitation.

Entries: Group 8

Group 8 - Recognized series-produced sports cars and sedans in production prior to 1979, and later cars by invitation

Other cars may be accepted by invitation.

Entries: Trans Am Series presented by Pirelli

Trans Am - America's Road Racing Series

More Info: gotransam.com

OPTIMA’s Search for the Ultimate Street Car

OPTIMA’s Search for the Ultimate Street Car is a safe, fun and high-profile national championship event for street legal performance vehicles. The challenge puts competitors through a unique blend of tests of each vehicle’s performance, street-ability and engineering workmanship.

Article: Destination – Portland

Portland International Raceway is just 7 miles from downtown Portland, one of the hippest, laid-back cities in America.  If you venture out, you will find something interesting in and around Portland.

   Letter From the CEO 

Welcome to the PIR SpeedTour!

We’ve brought together a stellar group road racing icons. Porsche, Mustang, Camaro, Triumph, Corvette are just a few of the famous name plates you’ll see on the track and admire in the paddock this weekend.

We invite you, your friends and family to enjoy the various series that are racing this weekend—the Trans Am Series presented by Pirelli Western Championship, OPTIMA Search for the Ultimate Street Car, SVRA vintage racers and PSSA. Saturday’s Hagerty Cars and Caffeine Show is rich with displays of everything from immaculate Alfas, to pristine modern Exotics, to deliberately-funky Hot Rods. 

The PIR SpeedTour offers something for everyone! Whether you’re an admirer of formula race cars, looking for an autograph or love the sound of 850 hp Trans Am cars as they accelerate into Turn 1, your visit is sure to be memorable. 


On behalf of myself and my entire team, we are honored to have the opportunity to present this event. Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines. Let’s go racing!


Tony Parella
CEO, Parella Motorsports Holdings

Groups: 1, 3, 4, 5b

Num. / Color Car Driver Group
5 Yellow/Silver 1965 Beach Mk4B John Rankin 4
6 White 1976 VW Golf Kristine Casey 3
8A Green/Yellow 1959 Austin Healey Sprite Paul Quackenbush 1
8B Blue 1976 Fiat 124 Coupe Denie Hiestand 3
11 Red/White 1967 Fiat Spider Shelley Hiestand 3
21 Red 1967 MG Midget William Greenman 1
35 White/Black 1962 Mini Cooper S Christoph Fritsch 1
39 Blue/Gray 1963 Austin Mini Brian Waters 1
43 Red/Yellow 1962 Triumph Spitfire 4 Thomas Turner 1
56 Green/Gray/White 1956 Austin Healey 100M Richard Thomas 1
63 White/Green 1963 Ford Cortina GT Tony Viskov 3
66 Blue 1965 Volkswagen Bug Steven Smith 1
70 White/Blue 1967 Datsun Roadster 2000 Mike Smith 3

Group: 2

Num. / Color Car Driver Group
7 White 1971 Winkelmann WDF3A Darrell LeBlanc 2
9 Blue 1975 LeGrand Mk 21 Keith Robinson 2
27 Green/Gold 1965 Brabham BT 14 Dave Sweeney 2
76 Red 1977 Crossle 32F Steve Yarborough 2
91 Black/Red/White 1985 Swift DB1 Russell Werner 2

Groups: 6, 10, 12

Num. / Color Car Driver Group
3 1997 Chevrolet Monte Carlo Brandon Miller 10
7 Black/Silver 1997 Pontiac Gran Prix Rudy Revak 10
8 Red 1963 Chevrolet Corvette Del Hardy 6
11 Blue 1964 Bill Thomas Motors Cheetah GT JEFF TAYLOR 6
17 Blue/White 2022 Ford Mustang Mike McKinney 10
17A Yellow/Black 1967 Ford Mustang Michael Smith 6
20 Gray 2012 Chris evans inc Stock car Adam Tumblin 10
24 Black 1986 Porsche 930 turbo Roger Egle 10
33 Blue/Yellow/Green 2003 Chevrolet Menards Mark Berardi 10
43A Black/Gold/Red 1975 Chevrolet Camaro Steve Van Meel 12b
43A Black/White 1971 Chevrolet camaro Ken Garchow 6
44 Red/White/Green 2007 Porsche Cup Car matthew crandall 10
52 White/Blue/Gray 2015 Mitjet BMW M4 Steve Walker 10
55 White/Pink 2014 Chevrolet Camaro Justin Dempsey 10
67 Silver/Purple 2002 Chevrolet Monte Carlo David Adelsman 10
68 White/Black/Gray 2019 Chevrolet Camaro Jason Fiorito 10
71 White/Blue 1968 Chevrolet Corvette James Buskirk 6
72 Silver 1963 Chevrolet Corvette Dave Edelstein 6
73 White/Blue/Red 2023 Ford Mustang Dominic Martinolich 10
76 Blue/White 1966 Chevrolet Corvette Steve Yarborough 6
79 Blue/Orange 1979 Ford Mustang Donald Thieman 10

Group: 5a, 7, 9, 11, PSSA

Num. / Color Car Driver Group
6 Red 1972 March 722 William Shields 9
6 Red 1972 March 722 William Shields 9
9 Silver 1982 RALT RT5 Scott Rinde 9
11 Gray 1982 Ralt RT5 David Rugh 9
19 Black/Yellow/Purple 2021 Revolution A-1 500 Ron Fletcher pssa
44 Red/White/Green 2016 LMP 3 Ligier Ernie Spada 11
62 Black/Blue/Gray 2021 revolution supercharged model Chris Hinojosa pssa
62 Black/Blue/Gray 2021 revolution supercharged model Chris Hinojosa pssa
65 Black 1987 Swift DB2 Jason Perkins 5a
75 Red 1973 Brabham BT40 Collin Jackson 9

Group: 8

Num. / Color Car Driver Group
00 Green/Black 1969 BMW 2002Ti Antony Rodino 8
002 White/Blue/Red 1969 BMW 2002 Brian O'Shaughnessy 8
7 Red/White/Blue 1969 Datsun 510 Josh Moriarty 8
13 Red 1968 Porsche 911 Paul Gaudio 8
14 Black/Silver 1967 Haggispeed Clubman Don Crawford 8
20 1990 Ford Sierra Cosworth George Robusti 8
25 Black/Silver/Red 1969 Datsun 510 Armin Ghorbani 8
32 Red/Black 1969 Datsun 510 David Graziano 8
33 1970 Datsun 510 Kevin Caufman 8
36 Blue/White/Orange 1972 Datsun 510 Philip Hartstein 8
39 Orange 1974 Datsun 260Z Christopher Pope 8
41 Yellow/White/Black 1970 DATSUN 510 Patrick Emge 8
45 Gray/Red/Black 1970 Datsun 510 Keyon Ghorbani 8
46 White/Red/Blue 1970 Datsun 510 Bob Clucas 8
48 Blue 1978 Porsche 911 Steve Gilmore 8
52 White 1971 Datsun 510 Jim Froula 8
53 Blue/Gray 1969 BMW 2002 Michael Deilke 8
54 Yellow 1969 Porsche 911 Chuck Christensen 8
54A Gray/Black 1973 BMW 2002 Edmund Germaine 8
55 Orange 1970 Porsche 914-6 Jon Munns 8
56 White/Red 1971 Datsun 510 Jeff Mosing 8
58 White/Blue 1970 BMW 2002 Steve Walker 8
67 Blue/White 1967 BMW 2002 Mark Rincon 8
69 Blue/Orange 1968 Volvo 142 Hans Gutmann 8
78 Blue/White 1970 Datsun 240Z Kevin Shaha 8
84 White/Red/Blue 1969 BMW 2002 Anthony Delane 8
90 Gray 1967 Alfa Romeo GTV Parker McKean 8
99 Red/Orange 1969 Alfa Romeo GTV Bruce McKean 8

Optima Ultimate Street Car Entries

Trans Am Western Championship Entries

Num. / Color Class Driver
5 Red XGT John Moore
7 Black/Silver SGT Rudy Revak
9 Red/White/Blue TA2 Sean Berardi
13 Orange TA Steve Goldman
14 White/Red/Gray GT David Hampton
24 White/Blue TA2 Lonnie Hochstetler
28 Red TA2 JC Meynet
31 Red/White/Blue TA2 Michael LaPaglia
32 Blue TA2 Barry Boes
33 Gray TA2 Tim Barber
38 Blue/Yellow/Black TA2 Troy Ermish
39 TA2 Jim Guthrie
46 Orange/Gray TA2 Tim Carroll
54 Red/White TA2 Cole Moore
66 Red/Black TA2 Caleb Shrader
66 Red SGT Tim Brown
71 Black TA2 Tim Lynn
80 White TA2 Kyle Kelley

Car Show Entries

Car ShowVehicleEntrant
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1953 CHEVROLET 3100 Barry C.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1955 CHEVROLET BELAIR Charles R.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1957 CHEVROLET WAGON John F.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1957 CHEVY 210 Noah S.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1959 PORSCHE CABRIOLET Dan G.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1960 AUSTIN HEALEY 3000 MKI Richard M.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1960 CHEVROLET CORVETTE Craig S.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1961 FORD FALCON Kevin L.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1962 STUDEBAKER LARK CRUISER Dana S.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1964 AUSTIN HEALEY 3000 BJ7 Mark L.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1964 CHEVROLET C10 John M.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1964 CHEVROLET CORVAIR Jonathan W.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1964 CHEVY NOVA II Kevin K.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1965 FORD MUSTANG Josh R.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1965 MERCEDES BENZ 220S Nicholas B.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1965 PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE II Andrew N.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1965 PLYMOUTH BARRACUDA Mark H.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1965 SHELBY REPLICA COBRA Scott R.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1965 VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE Jeremy C.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1966 AUSTIN-HEALEY 3000 Steve B.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1966 CHEVROLET CHEVELLE Matt B.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1966 FORD GT40 David M.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1966 FORD MUSTANG Bryan S.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1966 FORD MUSTANG GT Jason B.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1966 FORD RANCHERO James B.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1967 CHEVROLET CORVETTE Owen L.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1967 DODGE CORONET R/T Mark A.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1967 MERCURY COUGAR Brian H.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1967 PORSCHE 912 Todd S.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1967 TRIUMPH TR4-A Charlie C.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1967 UNIQUE MOTORCARS 427 SHELBY COBRA Scot S.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1968 CHEV CAMARO Dave F.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1968 MORRIS MINI COOPER S Derik B.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1968 MORRIS MINI Jason T.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1968 TRIUMPH MK3 R Jeffery E.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1968 VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE Daniel T.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1968 VOLKSWAGEN SQUARE BACK Eduardo V.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1969 CHEV CORVETTE Terry C.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1969 FORD MUSTANG Steve D.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1969 FORD MUSTANG Dana F.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1969 PORSCHE 911 Cary N.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1969 PORSCHE 911E Steve P.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1970 CHEVY EL CAMINO Brian B.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1970 DATSUN 510 Geoffry E.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1970 TOY FACTORY MINIBAGO Travis M.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1971 PORSCHE 914 Phillip C.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1972 DATSUN 240 Z Bruce G.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1972 DATSUN 240Z William F.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1972 FORD GRAN TORINO Cameron K.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1972 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS Danielle M.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1973 ALFA ROMEO GTV Edward S.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1973 BMW 2002 Jim J.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1973 CORVETTE STINGRAY Nick H.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1973 DATSUN 240Z Paul B.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1975 MG B Ken & Fran A.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1976 BMW 2002 William E.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1976 FIAT 124 SPIDER Richard B.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1977 DATSUN 280Z Richard D.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1977 FERRARI 308 GTB Jan R.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1977 PORSCHE 911S Michael H.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1979 FIAT 124 SPIDER Nate B.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1979 GMC C-10 Austin A.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1981 ALFA ROMEO GTV6 Marc E.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1981 CHEVROLET CORVETTE Michael M.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1984 ALFA ROMEO SPIDER Connor F.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1984 VOLVO 245 Patrick M.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1989 PORSCHE 944 S2 Michael P.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1989 TOYOTA MR2 SUPERCHARGED Scott K.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1990 CHEVROLET CORVETTE Roger G.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1991 BMW M3 Ralph H.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1991 MAZDA MIATA Steve R.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1993 BMW M5 Nick C.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1993 MERCEDES-BENZ 300E Mark E.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1993 PORSCHE RS AMERICA Peter M.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1994 ACURA NSX Mark W.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1995 CHEVROLET CAPRICE 9C1 Michael J.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1995 FORD MUSTANG David B.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1996 HONDA ORTHIA Alan R.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1998 FORD MUSTANG SVT COBRA Terry H.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1998 PANOZ AIV ROADSTER Denis C.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1998 PORSCHE BOXSTER Timothy B.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1999 NISSAN SKYLINE GTR Trevor M.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 1999 PORSCHE 911 Anthony D.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 2000 CHEVROLET CAMARO Tim P.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 2000 PONTIAC TRANS AM Jaron S.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 2001 HARLEY DAVIDSON ROAD KING Rod G.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 2002 CHEVROLET CORVETTE Glen A.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 2003 PORSCHE 911 TURBO Roland T.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 2004 BMW M3 Drake D.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 2004 MAZDA MSM MIATA Greg N.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 2004 MAZDA MX-5 MAZDASPEED Chris S.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 2005 MAZDA MX-5 MAZDASPEED MIATA Craig E.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 2006 ASTON MARTIN V8 VANTAGE John S.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 2006 MAZDA MIATA David C.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 2006 MERCEDES-BENZ SLK 280 Gregory B.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 2007 MAZDA MIATA Stew D.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 2007 PORSCHE CAYMAN S Rick C.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 2008 CHEVROLET CORVETTE Ron T.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 2008 MAZDA MX-5 Oliver S.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 2008 PORSCHE CARRERA S Paul H.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 2009 MERCEDES-BENZ SLR MCLAREN ROADSTER George L.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 2009 PORSCHE 911 David S.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 2010 PMP MICRO SPRINT Eric B.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 2011 PORSCHE BOXSTER SPYDER Stephen C.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 2012 CHRYSLER 300 SRT8 Thomas G.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 2012 PORSCHE 911 BLACK EDITION Bruce D.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 2013 AUDI S4 Kevin C.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 2013 CHEVROLET CAMARO CALLAWAY 572 T Michael M.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 2015 EXOMOTIVE EXOCET Ryan B.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 2015 FORD MUSTANG Erik O.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 2015 MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE John L.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 2016 MERCEDES BENZ C63S Luke H.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 2017 ALFA ROMEO QUDRIFOGLIO Ken G.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 2017 MAZDA MX5 Fred K.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 2017 PORSCHE 718 CAYMAN Michael S.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 2018 FIAT 500 John E.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 2018 PORSCHE 911 4S CAB David W.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 2019 FORD F-150 RAPTOR Austin R.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 2019 VOLKSWAGEN GOLF R Stuart M.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 2020 MAZDA MX-5 Scott R.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 2021 LOTUS EVORA GT Zackary D.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 2024 CHEVROLET CORVETTE Robert S.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 2024 CHEVROLET MONTE CARLO CUSTOM Douglas C.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 2024 FORD MUSTANG Fred C.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 2024 JAGUAR XK140MC FHC Chris D.
Hagerty | Cars & Caffeine 2024 MAZDA MX5 MIATA SPECIAL EDITION Anthony P.