Saturday, August 2, 2025
The car show is open to all classic, vintage, exotic, and collectible cars and vintage motorcycles of interest. Car clubs are welcome.

Each $75.00 car show registration includes:
- 2 Weekend passes to the race events
- Touring on the track
- VIP Parking
- Full access to the race car paddock

Car Show Registration
PRICE: $75.00

Example: Chevrolet

Example: Camaro


By submitting your registration, you agree that neither the sponsor, nor sponsor representative, nor any committee, nor the property (Sponsors/Property Owners) at which the show is produced shall be responsible or liable for any loss, damage, or injury to all or part of the exhibitors' display, and/or vehicle or exhibitor. The exhibitor shall and does waive any and all rights he/she may have against Sponsors/Property Owners for such loss, damage or injury.

Questions: email

Car Show Frequently Asked Questions

What cars are eligible to display?
All classic, vintage, collector, modern, exotic cars and motorcycles. Car clubs are encouraged to attend. Motorcycles are eligible to participate in the show and awards but are not able to go on track for touring laps.

Where/how do I register?
Register at by clicking on the links above. Please note- all participants that will be driving during the track touring must show proof of current vehicle insurance and a valid drivers license.

Where do I enter to display my car?
Follow the signs for car show registration/check in. Registration begins at 8AM on Saturday.

What is the charge for additional attendees in my car?
You will receive two (2) 2-day passes with your entry fee. Additional attendees will pay the regular event spectator admittance fee. You and your guest will be eligible to be in your vehicle for the track touring. The 2-day passes are valid for Saturday and Sunday.

Will I receive a ticket or info in the mail?
No. You will receive your info and weekend wristband upon check in Saturday morning (Sunday for Lime Rock). You will receive a welcome letter via email several days before the event.

How will I get my registration packet?
You will receive your registration packet upon check-in Saturday morning (Sunday for Lime Rock). Registration begins at 8AM. In order to participate, all participants must sign the track waiver and SpeedTour waiver at registration at the track.

Where do I enter to display my car if I am arriving with a trailer?
Please advise us by emailing well in advance of the event if you will be arriving with a trailer so we may direct you in the parking of your trailer and placement of your show car.

I want to park with my friends/club, how would I do that?
If you will be attending with friends or attending as a club it is best if you all meet up at an outside location and then enter at one time. You will not be able to hold spaces.

May I have a "For Sale" sign visible?
In order to maintain the integrity of the event, "For Sale" signs are not permitted on show cars.

Is there a rain date?
The car show is a rain or shine event. There are no refunds for car show registrations.

Are there sponsorship opportunities available?
SpeedTour Car Shows present a perfect opportunity for your company to reach a qualified target audience. Please contact for details on how your company will benefit from the visibility at this unique motorsports extravaganza.